The Increasing Rate of Technological Invention

Technological innovation is increasing at a mile a minute. This means a few things: there are more unique products than ever before. Also: this means new inventions are coming at an increasing rate, as inventors build upon the evolution of new technology. Finally, there are so many technological possibilities that the major brands cannot possibly keep up and release new gadgets of their own using new interfaces.

This last component is crucial to our business model because some of the most innovative and exciting electronics out are not necessarily released by the IBM and Nokia’s of the world, they’re released by smaller manufacturers. Certainly, the internet makes it easier to find these products, but it does not make it easy to find it all in one place as it is on Electro Flip. We scour the web, the non-cyber world to find the most exciting – and useful – inventions that are coming out of professional laboratories and people’s basements.

What is great about the invention renaissance is that it is keeping costs down. In the past, new gadgetry could cost incredible amounts – in the five figures, if not more. Think of the early examples of the DVD player – even that was high triple figures. Now you can get a set of iSee Video / Audio Recording Sunglasses – recordable DVR sunglasses – for under $200. This type of price was unheard of only ten years ago. But part of technological development is the cost of service and supplies coming way down, so there will be a lot more gadgets to come in Electro Flip’s future.

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